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8. Mai 2024

10 Years Ago

10 Years Ago

Bleak future for Mediterranean mammals – IUCN

The latest assessment of Mediterranean mammals shows that one in six is threatened with extinction at a regional level, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. The study, which assesses the status of...
Deforestation for rubber plantations in Laos. Photo by Rhett A. Butler

Symposium tackles big question: how many species will survive our generation

An overview of the Smithsonian’s Symposium: “Will the rainforests survive? New Threats and Realities in the Tropical Extinction Crisis” Nine scientists dusted off their crystal balls Monday at the National Museum of Natural History in...

Scientists Find 20 Years of Deep Water Warming Leading to Sea Level Rise

Scientists analyzing measurements taken in the deep ocean around the globe over the past two decades find a warming trend that contributes to sea level rise, especially around Antarctica. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such...

First comprehensive inventory of life in Antarctica

The first comprehensive “inventory” of sea and land animals around a group of Antarctic islands reveals a region that is rich in biodiversity and has more species than the Galapagos. The study provides an...
© WWF-Canon / Bas Huijbregts

Gabon set to burn thousands of ivory tusks and carvings

Libreville, Gabon, 27th June 2012 – In a bold move against poaching and illegal wildlife trade, Gabon is expected to burn its government-held ivory stockpile today. The decision comes at a time of intense...

WSPA’s Red Collar campaign launches in China

Every year, thousands of people die due to rabies, a deadly but preventable disease. WSPA-trained workers from the local Animal Disease Control Centre vaccinating a dog against rabies during the launch of a new mass...

Europe blows its annual budget for fish on Friday 9 July

New research reveals that Europe could not feed itself on fish from EU waters for more than 189 days a year, and from today is dependent on fish caught elsewhere. Consuming far more than our...

Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric heights

BOULDER—The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led...

Canada’s Fisheries Minister agrees bottom trawling damages habitat and fish stocks

31 May 2006 Ottawa - In a meeting with Dr. Sylvia Earle, Canadian Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn agreed with the renowned ocean explorer's views on deep sea bottom trawling. "It does damage to the...

Clearing the Air of Oil Sands Myths

Pembina Institute Distributes Facts to Key Decision Makers in Canada and the U.S.On June 4, 2009, the Pembina Institute distributed copies of a new resource, Clearing the Air on Oil Sands Myths, to key...

Earthjustice Challenges New Interpretation of Law in Alaska Gold Mine Case

Is toxic water allowed by Clean Water Act? San Francisco - In a move to prevent a multinational mining corporation from using the federal Clean Water Act to kill an Alaskan lake, Earthjustice attorneys argued...

Pacific islands act to save tuna

Pacific Ocean — Finally, some good news for tuna stocks and a first step towards protecting the Pacific Commons for future generations! Eight Pacific island countries have taken the most significant action ever to...

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