GreenConnect Weather Whiplash is Amplifying Wildfire Risk Legal Agreement Spurs Deadline for U.S. Finding on Hippo Protections Kommentar: BUND zum 100-Tage-Programm der CDU – Klima retten, nicht vergiften » Natur- und Umweltinformationen WildAid’s Pangolin Priority: Saving the Most Trafficked Wild Mammal in the World What does the European Commission’s Vision for Agriculture and Food promise for the future of animal welfare? Footer – Default PRO Header Template 8 President Trump’s Illegal Gutting of National Monuments Will Be Fought by Our Lawyers and the American People Ocean advocates launch ‘Protect Our Catch’, a European campaign, urging the EU to end destructive fishing such as bottom trawling in marine protected areas Lawsuit challenges federal government’s secretive elephant trophy-import Statement by The Nature Conservancy Concerning the Trump Administration’s Decision on Automobile Emission Standards Ahead of Deadlines, Americans Urge the Trump Administration to Keep Oil and Gas Pollution Protections Strong and In Place Scott Pruitt Shows No Remorse in Compromising Safety of American Workers, Families EU Vision for Agriculture and Food contains unscientific industry narrative on pesticides Climate Change No Longer a Hoax in the House of Representatives as New Majority Takes Control EDF, NRDC Sue Trump’s EPA for Hiding Critical Analysis on the Clean Cars Rollback Trump Administration Weakens Post-Deepwater Horizon Offshore Drilling Safety Regs Trump to Quit Paris Accord, End U.S. Obstruction of Global Climate Progress All Signs Point to an Environmental Failure for Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 Majority of big polluters miss February deadline for 2035 climate targets EDF to Sue Trump Administration Over Rollback of Methane Standards for Oil and Gas Industry Klimaatlas-Release – Zentrales Portal zum Klimawandel, seinen Folgen und zur Anpassung im Land Lawsuit Challenges Trump EPA’s Approval of Radioactive Roads Record-breaking wildlife seizures by Operation Thunder underline importance of international security collaboration How traditional practices and modern solutions can end Waste Colonialism? Canada must deliver on climate change following Biden victory Biden Designates Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument Donald Trump wins US presidency. What that could mean for the environment US anti-deforestation framework: the right move, but where will it go next? Letter to the German BALTFISH presidency for the protection of the Baltic harbour porpoise LA fires a wake up call for Australia Groups File First Environmental Lawsuit Vs. New Trump Administration, Challenging Illegal Order to Undo Ocean Protections from Offshore Drilling Trump Administration Declares a War on Wildlife with Nomination of Brian Nesvik Climate Disruption to Lose Trillions WMO confirms 2024 as warmest year on record at about 1.55°C above pre-industrial level AVISO: Weltweite Klimaschutz-Aktion “WWF Earth Hour” findet am 22. März statt 2024 erstmals alle Grenzwerte zur Luftqualität eingehalten Ein gewaltiger Wissensschatz: PIK führt 85.000 Einzelstudien zur Klimapolitik zusammen Neue Greenpeace-Analyse: Erstmals Mikroplastik in Österreichs Gletscherseen nachgewiesen Wale als Klimaschützer: WWF fordert besseren Schutz für “wandernde CO2-Speicher” Am 15. Februar ist wieder der Tag des Regenwurms Bartgeier im Aufwind Kennzeichnungs- und Registrierungspflicht für alle Katzen: STS ist erfreut über Entscheid des Bundesrats GNF und ELLA fordern Sofortmaßnahmen zum Gewässerschutz Tötung überzähliger Tiere Defenders of Wildlife Voices Strong Opposition to Expected Trump Executive Orders Natur und Klima: NABU zieht Bilanz der Legislaturperiode 14 Pacific Island countries receive a major grant to manage one third of the world’s tuna in the face of the climate crisis Trump, Zeldin Must Publicly Release EPA’s Endangerment Finding Recommendation on Climate Pollution